Tuesday 21 May 2013


离毕业还差几天,了解了时间的流逝,但愿心中永远散发出青春的魅力。朝气 蓬勃,朋友们,记得轰轰烈烈把握青春年华。 Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and always follow the dreams, work hard, practice, and persevere.
整天嘻嘻哈哈,迷迷糊糊,开开心心的生活,这应该是每个小孩过的生活,其实长大后,只要心态年轻,永远青春啊 <3 

人生如戏, 戏如人生。。。 人生就像一场戏,又何必太计较,年轻时就应该大大声的笑,轰轰烈烈的让自己的人生没有后悔。

我就是我,俏皮又好玩,古灵精怪的安琪儿 ……


the last photo, Just dance that time , got a whole boys gang name after school.... They are study at the boys school and we are study at the girls school .... we name after school 2 ....
haha, this afterschool girls is consider the senior in the dance class already ( UPM extreme dancer) everyone got learn different style of dance .
From left,  
1st girl, she mainly dance hiphop, she always watch video and learn by herself....
2nd girl, she mainly dance mix style , she learn every dance quickly,i love his locking...
3rd girl , she mainly dance hiphop too,, she is adorable,dance with her so good 
4th girl is me , i love newjazz,kpop and wracking ....recently fall in to couple dance ...
couple dance really got feel...... i hope my new jazz can be professional 
5th girl, hehe, mainly new jazz and kpop, she good in make up, luckily got her help make up...
6th girl mainly hiphop too, she so concern of all dancers , is a good leader.
7th girl she mainly girlstyle, she got lot of ideal in dancing , creative girl .....

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